Yellow Circle

Yellow Circle received a $10,000 grant to grow its capacity and run a coding academy. Yellow Circle is an online platform that allows students to learn about cloud computing and infrastructure.

  • Upgraded learning platform to be able to accommodate thousands of additional users.

  • Unveiled programming innovation lab where students could create on-demand environments to bring code to life.

  • Brought on student volunteer from the MET High School to assist in video creation and recruitment of students.

  • Established relationships with the MET High School and CSUS to offer services to students and teachers.

  • Upgraded user interface in preparation for the online academy.

  • Tested first school case with the MET High School.

  • User base grew by 2,613 students to 50,124 students and over 80,000 projects.

  • Local marketing campaign began.

  • Leveraged RAILS grant to acquire funding from other sources.

  • Established partnerships with Microsoft (cloud credits), Western Digital Foundation (lab equipment), and IBM BlueMix (cloud credits) for program support that is valued at over $20,000.

  • User base grew by over 5,000 students to a total of over 56,000 students and close to 95,000 projects.

  • More than 20 tutorials have been published to the website with another 20 in the works.

  • 20 additional video tutorial scripts were in development.

Last updated